Monday, May 23, 2011

Cheers and Jeers: Monday

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Today's Boring Corrections:

Claim: Time magazine's elections expert Mark Halperin wrote in the May 1 edition:
Huckabee needs to make a decision by mid-June if he wants to attract the $25 million he'd need to fund a more structured effort than four years ago. But if you are wagering today, bet that he gets in.

Reality: After playing bass on his Fox News set while guest and good buddy Ted Nugent sang, "I make the pussy purr with the stroke of my hand; They know they gettin' it from me; They know just where to go when they need their lovin man; They know I do it for free" (but not before Ted called Hillary Clinton in '07 a "worthless bitch" and Dianne Feinstein a "worthless whore," but not before inviting Barack Obama to suck on the barrel of a machine gun), Mike Huckabee dropped out of the race.

Aftermath: Michele Bachmann sends a HUGE bouquet of flowers to Huckabee with a lovely thank-you note, and I lose my life savings betting on Huckabee based on Halperin's psychic powers. Thanks a lot.

Claim: In a full-page ad that appeared in the May 20 issue of USA Today, Pastor Harold Camping promised that "Judgment Day begins with a worldwide earthquake on May 21, 2011. Cry mightily unto God for mercy."

Reality: There was no worldwide earthquake on Saturday. There was, however, the start of an eruption of Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano, which is located underneath the Vatnajokull glacier, and brings back memories of a similar eruption of the Eyjafjallaj�kull volcano, according to meteorologists Haraldur Eirkisson and Fridjon Magnusson.

Aftermath: Apparently God isn't mad enough at us yet to bring about the End Times, but he is annoyed enough to mess with northern European airspace and make us wrestle with Icelandic names for a couple weeks. Consider that a verbal warning, world!

Claim: On yesterday's edition of Meet the Press, Republican strategist Mike Murphy predicted that President Obama's Sunday AIPAC speech would see him "in full retreat" from his Thursday Middle East Speech. Murphy also predicted that, because of his Thursday speech, "I bet [Obama] loses 75,000 votes in Florida."

Reality: The president gave a stirring, nuanced and intelligent pro-Israel/pro-Palestine speech yesterday, reiterating what he said on Thursday while firmly pushing back against critics who claimed he'd "thrown Israel under the bus." The audience interrupted his speech several times---for applause. And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "quickly expressed his appreciation for Obama's remarks on Sunday."

Aftermath: Obama's critics once again find themselves flummoxed, and those 75,000 votes in Florida are, in all likelihood, quite safe and sound. But Mike Murphy is still a Very Serious Person and can count on many future beltway cocktail-party invitations.

We're sure they regret their errors.

Cheers and Jeers starts below the fold... [Swoosh!!] RIGHTNOW! [Gong!!]


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