Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The President Continues to Melt Down

Nile Gardiner, Daily Telegraph
In August last year I published a list of ten key reasons why the Obama presidency was in serious decline. This is a sequel to that post, which was one of the most read pieces on The Telegraph website in 2010. Twelve months on, the outlook continues to look exceedingly bleak for President Obama, with no sign of a recovery.July was the worst month for the Obama presidency since the November mid-terms which saw his party emphatically drubbed in Congressional elections across the country. The president hit an all-time low with a Gallup poll at the end of the month giving him just 40 percent...

Source: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/2011/08/08/the_president_continues_to_melt_down_261097.html

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