Monday, August 8, 2011

Midday open thread

Syrian protests Assad government (Staff/Reuters)

  • LIVE NOW! Daily Kos is participating in 48 Hours of Action to raise funds and awareness about the escalating crisis in the Horn of Africa. Check out the Mothership Diary to find out more about this event, catch up and connect with the ongoing action.
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is against any further cuts in the Defense budget:
    He said the defense department is willing to pay its fair share to help reduce the nation?s deficit, and will be able to absorb the $400 billion in cuts already approved in this week?s debt ceiling deal. But that deal includes a trigger that would slash spending later if a committee can?t agree on further deficit reductions. And Panetta said those cuts would be ?disastrous? and would ?seriously weaken defense.?

    Panetta is old school. I find it hard to believe he didn't clear this with the White House before saying it. Since deadlock on the committee is the most likely outcome, the defense budget is likely to get automatically cut. kos says they'll just pass legislation restoring the funding and he's absolutely correct.
  • Mitt Romney's judiciary advisory council is run by Robert Bork and is chock full of Scalia and Thomas wannabees. Just one more reason to vote for Barack Obama next year.
  • Michele Bachmann comes out against the Black farmers' settlement. I'm sure you weren't expecting that.
  • The Jon Huntsman "campaign," and I use the word pejoratively, is beset with infighting, drama and failure. He should have stayed in China.
  • The circulation of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's college transcript is a sign of two things: 1. Somebody is taking him seriously enough to oppo him. 2. His education is considered oppo.
  • Germany's refusal to reauthorize the European Central Bank's bond-buying program is a sure sign that Germany is using its robust economy to extend German influence over the rest of Europe.
  • A huge protest in Israel rocks Netanyahu's government.
  • Civil disorder and protests are rocking Syria's violently oppressive government as well.
  • This week I'm recommending The Killing (1956) starring Sterling Hayden and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Fellow film noir lovers will certainly appreciate this one. It's got the dark room where the guys are around the table planning the crime and the works. A personal favorite of mine, Hayden plays his form as a big, tough guy which is easy for him because he was a big, tough guy in real life. A good story. Probably an inspiration for Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs.


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