Two-thirds of respondents in a new USA Today/Gallup Poll say they are experiencing hardship as a consequence of higher gasoline prices. A slight majority, 53 percent, say higher prices have spurred them to make major changes in their personal lives, while 46 percent say they have not. Not surprisingly, the higher a person's income, the less likely it is s/he has made changes, with 68 percent of low-income Americans, 54 percent of middle-income Americans, and 44 percent of upper-income Americans having done so:
[T]he most common strategy, mentioned by a third of them, is simply driving less. Additionally, 16% specifically report they are cutting back on vacation travel, 15% are being more careful in planning errands and other local trips, and 15% have either purchased a more fuel-efficient vehicle or are looking into it. Smaller segments are doing less "leisure driving," carpooling, using public transportation, walking more, biking more, and driving more slowly.
On this date at Daily Kos in 2006:
Following is the fifth version of a Kossack-generated strategic energy plan designed to provide the United States with energy security by 2020 and energy independence by 2040.Written by J�r�me Guillet (Jerome a Paris), George Karayannis (Doolittle Sothere), Timothy Lange (Meteor Blades) and Mark Sumner (devilstower) Contributing Editors: A Siegel, besieged by bush, btower, chriscol, Chris Kulczycki, deb9, deety, Engineer Poet, mateosf and dozens of other helpful Kossacks and netizens.
Earlier versions:
Building together an effective Dem energy policy (I)
Reenergize America - A Democratic Blueprint (Second Draft)
Energize America--A Democratic Blueprint (Third Draft)
Energize America - A Blueprint for U.S. Energy Security (Fourth Draft)After posting the executive summary yesterday, here is Draft Five of the full plan, as edited under the leadership of George Karayannis. After the careful reading of more than ten thousand comments and lengthy discussions, we are proposing a legislative programme which includes 20 Acts and is meant to be taken as a whole. This document targets politicians and their staffs, pundits, academics and other specialists involved in policy analysis and discussion.
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