Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Apocalypse Not: U.S. Will Not Default

David Paul Kuhn, RealClearPolitics
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Republican from Texas warned Friday, "The debt ceiling is going to be Armageddon." White House spokesman Jay Carney chose similar eschatological terms on Monday. "The consequences," Carney said, "of failure to raise the debt ceiling would be Armageddon-like in terms of the economy."No need to consult Revelations. We are not on the cusp of fiscal end times. Washington politics is unusually dysfunctional even by Washington standards. But it's not suicidal. The debt ceiling will be raised. Receive news alertsConsider Friday's...

Source: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2011/04/12/apocalypse_not_debt_ceiling_will_be_raised__109524.html

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