What's coming up on Sunday Kos ?.
- Mark Sumner says you can have electoral margins great enough to move mountains, legislative victories piled up to the stars, but lack one thing?you have nothing. And will be nothing.
- Laurence Lewis will consider the very purpose of government.
- Is it liberal bias to call the Tea Party racist? Or is it just the truth? Kaili Joy Gray will discuss.
- Wisconsin gave it a spotlight, but the epidemic is national. Steve Singiser will look around the country, and discuss why teacher-bashing is suddenly fashionable.
- brooklynbadboy will consider winning the future.
- Chris Bowers will discuss another way you can engage in the fight against austerity and corporate power where you live?and soon!
- Dante Atkins will publicly wonder just whom it is that Republicans deem qualified to be able to vote these days.
Source: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/pO6DG4krHDc/-Late-afternoon-early-evening-open-thread
mississippi senators texas political news data politic politic political news story
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