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This just might be the dumbest, pettiest attack from a Palin yet?which is really saying something.
"I think [Michele Bachmann] dresses a lot like my mom," Bristol tells me. "But a lot, a lot of women have done that the last few years. I do think it's odd, you know, seeing people with red blazers with their hair up with glasses."Bristol added a giggle before continuing her thought about Bachmann, a Congresswoman from Minnessota. "I don't know if she's wearing glasses but you want to be hummmm, do you think that people don't notice you're dressing like my mom?"
Uh, Bristol? I know you and your mom have trademarked your names for "educational" purposes, but I don't think your mom invented that whole wearing red thing. In fact, I'm sure there are at least a few women who embraced red jackets first.
Like Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:
And First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State/long-time wearer of red/troops-supporter Hillary Clinton:
And the once and future Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, seated with Assistant to the President/Future Senator of Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren:
And of course this woman, who was already "copying" the Palin look on Super Tuesday in 2008:
Nice try, Bristol. But, true to Palin family tradition, this latest word salad is just another FAIL.
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Two weeks ago, when the repeal campaign announced that more than 700,000 signatures had been collected, Chris Bowers provided an overview:
The only public polls released on SB 5 have shown wide majorities of Ohio voter in favor of repeal. A Quinnipiac poll from mid-May showed repeal ahead 54%-36%, while a PPP poll from later in May showed repeal winning 55%-35%.This signature gathering campaign does not just force a November referendum on the bill. It actually prevents the bill from going into law until the results of the referendum are certified. As such, if the repeal wins in November, which seems likely, then SB 5 will never become law. This is shaping up to become a total defeat for Ohio Governor John Kasich and his union-busting allies.
That defeat won't come without a lot more hard work, but today the campaign to get enough signatures to force a referendum ends, and the campaign to win the referendum begins.
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The estate tax has been a part of the United States revenue system since 1916, and has soared as high as 77 percent.
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Back on June 16, more than 1,000 farm workers and supporters delivered the Fair Treatment for Farm Workers Act to Brown. He had 12 days to sign the bill, which would update the Agricultural Labor Relations Act by making it easier for farm workers to join unions. Those 12 days end tomorrow and Brown has yet to sign the bill. By not signing it, he would join Schwarzenegger.
Brown's past support for farm workers' rights was not only a feature of his previous terms as governor but was a part of his record his 2010 gubernatorial campaign repeatedly stressed. Yet he appears to be poised to turn his back on farm workers at the first real opportunity to help them.
Update: Thanks to commenter shenderson for pointing out that California does not have a pocket veto; if Brown does not sign but does not veto, the bill will become law. My apologies.
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